Crossing Point is a curated spiral into the subconscious highlighting the validity and importance of internal space and the necessity of exploration and excavation of both real and imagined topographies in response to the human condition.
The exhibition takes place during the Duncan of Jordanstone Degree Show, 18th - 27th May 2012, Dundee, Scotland and is situated in the White Space within the Time Based Art & Digital Film studio of level 3 of the Matthew Building.
You can view the exhibition catalogue here (.pdf opens in new window).
PLEASE NOTE: The text, images and media on this site are for indicative purposes only, Crossing Point should ideally be experienced in its installed format allowing the viewer the time and space to fully experience the spaces, relationships and density of material involved.
An 18 page document of rationale, process and supporting material can be viewed here (.pdf opens in new window).
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